Craig Jackman

Animated Video
In the Fall of 2023 I created an animated video series to be used by new "Partial Load" hires of Loyalist College, to get them to properly fill out their benefit forms. Previously this would have needed to be done in person in a series of 30 minute meetings with Human Resources. With 60 new hires per semester, that was big time allocation! The response has been very positive by HR personnel and by the new "Partial Load" hires! While it's not brilliant content, and I don't call myself an Animator, it does allow updates without recreating the entire series, if for example the forms get updated in coming years.
This project involved scripting the content, researching and working with A.I. to create the voice tracks, video editing for motion graphics, and of course digital animation to create and motion the host puppet.
Onboarding course introduction
This first section of the course introduced users to the course avatar, Jenny. It introduced the purpose of the course as well as where to find subsequent chapters.
Group Benefit form
The second section of the course introduced the new hires to their group benefits and the required forms, explaining their options and costs, including opting out.
Optional cost-extra Benefits
The conclusion to the course was the optional cost-extra benefit form, and how to submit their forms and download a receipt of submission.

Adobe Character Animator
This series used Adobe Character Animator for creation of the avatar, the background, and the motion of the avatar. While not pure "animation" it was an interesting challange!

Microsoft Clip Champ
This series used MS Clip Champ for it's A.I. capabilities of text to voice that could have emotional context. In this case "Customer Service". Clip Champ was also used for closed captioning to be UDL compliant.

Techsmith Camtasia
This series used Techsmith Camtasia for video editing and motion graphics. Camtasia could also do closed captioning, but not in this case.